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Stream to a TV: Tap the overflow menu (the three vertical dots in the top-right) and tap Watch on TV to set up and then stream video to your TV. If you like the mix, tap the Add to button to create a playlist and listen to it later.

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Mixes: Search for an artist or play a song, and YouTube can assemble an endless mix of songs from the artist. You can name the playlist and decide whether to keep it private. New videos published to the channel will appear in your feed.īuild playlists: While a video is playing, you can tap the Add to button to create a playlist and add the video to it. Subscribe to channels: Tap the red Subscribe button to have a channel show up in your subscription feed.

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Recommendations and recent videos: To help you sort through a bajillion videos, YouTube shows you clips and mixes based on your viewing history and trending videos. With YouTube, view and rate videos as well as create and share your own.

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